Turner Gardens
In partnership with the Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust and Ecomotive, SNUG Homes successfully bid for the site as part of the Bristol City Council’s Community Led Housing Land Disposal initiative. The designs for the 5 homes (3x 2 bedroom & 2x 1 bedroom) are currently progressing through the planning system with a consent hopefully in place before the end of 2022.

New affordable, PassivHaus homes to help regenerate Lockleaze.
The plot is a redundant garage site, originally designed for the cars of the neighbouring estate homes. The few remaining structures will be removed and replaced with new, super low energy, affordable homes with a shared communal space at the centre.
The homes have been designed to maximise the solar energy and so minimise the running costs. The materials to be used will be natural and be locally sourced as much as possible. The local community has been an integral part of the process to date and the final designs and construction will be developed further with the future residents and existing community.